Guilt-Free, Pain-Free Poetry Zone

2023-06-30T10:26:05-04:00June 30th, 2023|Categories: |Tags: , , , |

Guilt-Free, Pain-Free Poetry: Yehuda Amichai’s Open-Closed-Open Poetry doesn’t have to be difficult to be rewarding. Find out this summer during our Yehuda Amichai Hour. Amichai (1924-2000) was Israel’s best-known poet, and my personal favorite. Nearly every Tuesday at lunchtime, we will meet on Zoom for a reading of a selection of short, delicious, easy poems from his last book, Open - Closed - Open. Feel free to come and go from session to session as you please, with no pressure to have read prior week’s material. Tuesdays, July 11, 18*; August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29.  *NOTE: There will be ...