We help people of all ages and backgrounds in Westchester
meet life’s challenges and achieve personal success.
YOur Impact
serving the diverse needs of Westchester residents
provided each year
of all backgrounds served annually
Meet Sean
Young adults can struggle with anxiety, depression, trauma, and suicidal thoughts and feelings. And the past year has made the challenges more intense and more widespread. During the pandemic, 61%+ of young adults report experiencing substantial symptoms of anxiety and depression and high levels of loneliness. WJCS therapists are trained to provide the most effective treatment to promote resilience, coping skills, and meaningful social connections.
“I couldn’t believe I was in danger of losing my home. Someone introduced me to your people and It was like a dream come true.”
“Having WJCS by my side is what pushed the school system to give my son what he deserved–an education that meets his needs.”
“Regardless of my daughter’s special needs, all individuals are entitled to and desire independence. That’s the biggest gift of WJCS.”
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WJCS Locations
Westchester Jewish Community Services (WJCS) provides programs and services throughout Westchester County—in four standalone mental health clinics, schools and satellite clinics, community centers, synagogues, our White Plains headquarters, and other locations throughout Westchester. Please click on a pin to learn more about programs offered at each location.