Digital equity–the opportunity for all socioeconomic groups to have access to digital technology and skills–is an essential factor in improving learning outcomes for all children and helping adults in under-resourced communities have access to much-needed services. The WJCS Digital Equity Program is an investment in children and their families’ future success.

In response to concerns about digital inequity, WJCS supplies Chromebooks to children in grades 1-9 who do not have them, as well as to adults in our parent-child programs. The Chromebooks come with one year of free Wi-Fi to improve internet access. In order to support digital skill building and academic learning, students are matched with a Virtual Mentor who meets with them over Zoom once a week to review their remote schoolwork, help with digital and organizational skills, and provide a social-emotional connection to students to combat the social isolation that exists because of the pandemic. The WJCS Digital Equity Program also provides tutoring in technology to adults who receive Chromebooks.

Our vision is that all families, regardless of zip code, will have access to computer devices and Wi-Fi connectivity, and support in using this technology, in order to expand their digital fluency and competency.

To learn more, please contact Caitlin Leon at [email protected].