This has been a very challenging time for many people. The coronavirus pandemic has led to feelings of loneliness, fear, grief, anxiety, and depression. As the largest provider of licensed outpatient community mental health services, WJCS is here to help Westchester residents who are struggling and feeling overwhelmed. Since mid-March, WJCS has had over 30,000 Telehealth sessions with clients, by video chat and phone. Ann Brammer, Director of our Mt. Vernon Mental Health Clinic, has worked at WJCS for over 30 years. As she says in the video above, “I’ve helped many people navigate some of the biggest struggles of their lives but none as difficult as the current crisis. Being able to provide services virtually to our clients has made a world of difference.”

WJCS is well aware of the special and unprecedented challenges faced by the healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 public health crisis. WJCS has a specialized program for healthcare and frontline workers to provide support now and after the COVID public health crisis. View the flyer below and please share it with your friends and family. Our hope is that no one lets the stigma of emotional suffering prevent them from getting the support they need.

We are proud to say that the professionals at WJCS provide state-of-the-art, evidence-based mental health treatment. Our four standalone mental health clinics–in Hartsdale, Mt. Vernon, Peekskill, and Yonkers–and satellite clinics are staffed by superbly trained professionals skilled in treatment for trauma, secondary trauma, depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, psychiatric evaluation, and much more. We accept Medicaid as well as other health insurance plans.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help.

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