The inequity that individuals in financial need experience in regard to digital access became glaringly apparent once the Covid pandemic hit. Lack of access to the internet was clearly an obstacle that would have long-lasting ramifications for youth now required to log on the internet in order to learn remotely from home. WJCS could not ignore the problem.

At WJCS, we are committed to ensuring that all children have the information technology needed for school participation and learning, an essential ingredient to their academic and future success.  Thanks to our partnership with the STEM Alliance and funding from the Wiener Family Future Foundation and co-sponsored by the Wiener Philanthropy, WJCS launched the Digital Equity Project. We supplied Chromebooks to students in first through ninth grade who do not have them along with one year of free WiFi to improve internet access.

To bolster digital skills, students were paired with a Virtual Mentor who meets with them weekly over Zoom to review their remote schoolwork, help with digital and organizational skills, and build a connection to students to combat the social isolation that exists because of the pandemic. Our pilot program has been very successful, and the WJCS Digital Equity Program’s vision is now that all students, regardless of zip code, will have access to computer devices and WiFi connectivity, and support in using this technology, in order to expand digital fluency and competency. We strongly believe that this program will lead to a better Westchester community for us all.

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